The Huawei Nova 8 Pro smartphone shown on photo | |
Initially, it was suggested that the photo above shows Huawei Mate 40 Pro, as the upcoming flagship, according to rumors, will also be equipped with a waterfall display (with strongly curved side faces) and an oblong cutout for the front camera. However, more attentive users insisted that the device in the picture is none other than the Nova 8 Pro, since the side faces of the display are curved not exactly like those of the waterfall screens. In addition, the upper part of the device clearly shows a cutout for the speaker, which the Mate 40 Pro should be hidden. Recall that according to available data, Huawei Nova 8 Pro will receive an OLED display with a refresh rate of 120 Hz and will be based on the MediaTek Dimension 1000+ 5G chipset. It is assumed that the cost of the device will be about $585. | |
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