Qualcomm is working on Snapdragon 6150 and 7150 chips | |
Network sources got information about two new processors Snapdragon, which is preparing to release by Qualcomm. As we have already reported, the new flagship chip Qualcomm for smartphones will be the product Snapdragon 8150. This 7-nanometer chip is rumored to receive a three — cluster architecture with eight cores-a Quartet of silver cores, as well as duets of gold and Gold+cores. Couple the processor will be able to make the modem Snapdragon X50 5G. We now know that the release also preparing the chips Snapdragon Snapdragon 6150, and 7150 that will find application in the phones of the middle level. According to the available data, these solutions will be manufactured using 11-nanometer technology. Both processors are likely to receive eight compute cores each. It is known that the Snapdragon 6150 solution will provide support for displays with a resolution of up to Full HD+ (2160 × 1080 pixels). In the case of Snapdragon 7150 mentioned the ability to work with screens with a resolution of up to QHD+ (2880 × 1440 pixels). The announcement of the Snapdragon processors Snapdragon 6150 and 7150 is expected next year. | |
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