AMD is already testing the 7-nm Navi GPU

AMD is already testing the 7-nm Navi GPU

According to the sources of Fudzilla, AMD already got their 7-nm next-generation accelerator Navi, testing it in the laboratory and is very pleased with the preliminary results. Although it is clear that Navi graphics cards will be on the market in the second half of 2019.

Of course, this is one of the early versions, as AMD will have to do a lot of work with the entering into the market of a new generation of graphics cards. Sources of Fudzilla also report that 7-nanometer graphic accelerator is better than expected.

Earlier rumors said that the 7-nm accelerator Navi will be able to provide a level of performance GeForce GTX 1080 at a retail price of $250. Also, judging by the interview with PCGames senior Vice President of technology AMD Radeon Technologies Group David Wang, the company will not use the design of MCM (Multi-Chip Module), and prefer a standard monolithic crystal.

Sources continue to insist that the graphics adapter Navi will target the market of video cards of the middle class. It could also mean that we won't see a high-end GPU based on the Navi architecture until 2020. It is expected that AMD will present 7-nm+ next-generation accelerators based on the Arcturus architecture following the 7-nm Navi, but this will not happen until 2020.
Category: Technology | Views: 767 | Tags: AMD, navi
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